Inverted Bucket Steam Trap

Inverted Bucket Steam Trap
Class :
Cast Steel
An inverted bucket steam trap is a type of mechanical steam trap that operates using a simple and reliable mechanism. It consists of a hollow bucket-shaped chamber that is partially filled with water and has an inverted bucket inside. The bucket is connected to a lever mechanism linked to a valve at the bottom of the trap.
When steam enters the trap, it fills the chamber and surrounds the inverted bucket, causing it to rise and close the valve. As condensate enters the trap, the water level rises, causing the bucket to sink, opening the valve, and discharging the condensate. The operation of the inverted bucket steam trap is based on the fact that water is not compressible, while steam is. As steam enters the trap, it fills the chamber and creates a pressure differential across the inverted bucket, causing it to rise and close the valve. As condensate accumulates in the trap, the water level rises, and the bucket sinks, opening the valve and discharging the condensate.
Inverted bucket steam traps are widely used in steam heating systems, particularly in low-pressure applications. They are simple, reliable, and can handle various condensate loads. However, they are less effective at handling high condensate loads and may not perform well in systems with varying steam pressure.